Finland Study Visa

Free Education

Finland is a beautiful country of Scandinavian. It is situated in northern Europe.
Beautiful country Finland is neighbor of Norway, Sweden and Russia. Member of European union and also member of Nordic countries. Finnish people are different from other Scandinavian nations; they called them “sisu” means determined.

Finland also believes in quality education. It has World’s top educated society. You can find quality education system in Finland. Study in Finland for Pakistani students can be a great opportunity because in Finland Universities not only teach you the subjects you choose but they also do character building and make you fighter not quitter.

Finland has world’s one of the best higher education system which gives you not only knowledge but make you a batter and productive person for society. Study in Finland can be a great experience for Pakistani students because study there is full of fun. Finns always try to do something new so in Finland there is always opportunity to make new friends, build new connections and some new experience. There is no language barrier for international students because English language is well known in Finland; actually English is called third unofficial language of Finland.

In Finland you are motivated to do some innovative work they always encourage you to do something new and they appreciate thinkers who do something new on his own mind. In Rome, very famous saying “when in Rome do as the Roman do” but in Finland it’s opposite they say don’t do what everyone does but improve yourself and show your potential during study in Finland.

Why study in Finland

By choosing Finland for study gives you opportunity to live in Finland for few years which gives you enjoy the following benefits:

1)  According to fragile states index 2016, Finland is most peaceful and sustainable place in the world

2)  According to world economic forum 2015 Finland higher education and training is best in the world

3)  According to world economic forum 2015 Finland is most innovative country in the world where you can improve your skills and polish your personality

4)  According to world health organization 2016, Finland has world’s third cleanest air to breathe in

5)  According to Environmental performance Index 2016, Ecosystem of Finland is world healthiest Ecosystem

Educational Institutions have two categories in Finland:

1)  Universities

2)  Universities of Applied Sciences

Universities teach the students in normal academic style as other Universities of World do. But study in Universities of applied sciences is totally research and development based.

Tuition Fees and Scholarships:

Until now study was free in Finland. But Finland is introducing tuition fee for Non-Eu (Pakistan is a Non-Eu Country) in order to maintain the quality of education. However fees are justified as they offer the best education environment for foreign students. Normally Universities and Higher education institutes charge 4000 Euros to 20000 Euros.
There are number of scholarships offer by Finnish Government and Finnish Universities for Pakistani Students.

Bright Chances of Permanent Residence:

If you are Non-Eu student and have completed your degree from Finland University on student residence permit then you are allowed to apply for extension in your residence permit for one year to search a job in Finland. After finding job and new residence permit is granted on the basis of job. Keep in mind that you should apply for extension before the expiry of your student residence permit. There is a chance to get permanent residence permit if you find good job in your specific field.

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