Welcome to our Lasani Immigration Private Limited

Lasani Immigration is one of the largest and successful Immigration and Study Visa Consultancy Organization in Lahore Pakistan for Free study in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Canada, Australia, UK, USA and Immigration for Canada Express Entry and PNP programs, Australia, Denmark, Hong Kong and worldwide.
  • Fully Responsive

    • LASANI IMMIGRATION (PVT) LTD the best, professional and trust worthy consultants providing excellent services....
  • Study Visa

    • Lasnai Immigartion Pvt Ltd is founded by group of people having wide exposure education.Lasani Immigration Pvt Ltd is the one of the most specialized educational consultant in Pakistan providing life stunning opportunities by connecting you the top ranking educational institutes around the globe.Lasani Immigration Pvt Ltd has a formidable. Read More
  • Skilled Immigration

    • If you have skills (qualification and experience) which are required by Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Denmark you may be eligible…..
  • Immigration

    • Lasani Immigration is one the striking Immigration, Student Visa, Visit Visa Consultancy firm having number of successful cases on its credit provide wide range of services for Immigration to Canada, Australia, Denmark, Hong Kong. Lasani Immigration (PVT) Ltd endeavored to provide professional consultancy services to the interested clients. Read More
  • Business Immigration

    • The TIER 1 ENTREPRENEUR Visa enables you in to live and work in the UK without any the need of a UK Sponsor…..
  • Visit Visa

    • Lasani Immigration (PVT) Ltd is specialist in providing complete quality Visit Visa consultancy services for Dubai, Muscat Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Spain, UK, USA and many more countries around the globe. It is pioneer for successful visit visa cases. We can make your application a success story.we also deal with various countries. Read More



Study in UKRAINE

Study abroad in Ukraine as international students and discover the wonderful standards available at Ukrainian Universities.

Ukraine is a best option if you are looking for your next steps in education for Universities in English in Europe.

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe (after European part of Russia). Ukraine is a country with more than a thousand years of history and traditions that originate in antiquity.
The time is Kiev is 7 hours later than US Eastern Standards, 2 hours later than Greenwich mean. Ukraine covers one time zone. Daylight saving time is in effect from the first Sunday of April until the last Sunday of October.

Ukraine is member to numerous world and regional international bodies, including United Nations (UN), OSCE, the Council of Europe, EU Energy Community, the GUAM and the Commonwealth of Independent states (CIS). The Country is currently taking steps to accede to EU and NATO, and has special partnership with both organizations.

Ukraine obtained a market economy status from both the USA and the EU and has also joined the world trade organization (WTO). Foreign direct investment (FDI) has continued to flow in, although in a relatively low volume.

How Lasani Immigration Helps to Students

Lasani Immigration Pvt Ltd, provides comprehensive assistance to all ambitious foreign applicants who aspire to study in Ukraine, we have been giving professional educational advisory services to foreign students for last 9 years and have successfully registered countless foreign students to Ukraine Universities.

Lasani Immigration Pvt Ltd is a consulting agency providing a vast range of services to its students. We issue Student Invitation letter from Universities. Furthermore we assist students with the Admission and enrollment process and provide guidance on career choices. Once a student gain admission to a University, we assist him with the Student visa application process travel and housing facilities. We also give student a pre-departure brief to prepare him for the University and culture.

Some Major Advantages of Studying in Ukraine
  • Quality Education
  • Globally Recognized Courses (Europe, UK, USA, Asia, Africa)
  • Medical Degree recognized by WHO, UNESCO, PLAB(UK), USMLE(USA), throughout EU and various international organization
  • No entry test
  • No IELTS or TOEFL required
  • Tuition fee paid on arrival
  • Cost effective
  • European Life standard
  • Worldwide Acceptance of Ukrainian Method of teaching
  • English medium of instruction
  • Better job prospects
  • Emphasis on practical aspects in teaching
  • Moderate climate around the year
  • Outstanding International faculty
  • One of the best transportation systems in Europe
  • International students enjoy approximately 30% ~ 50% discounts on travel
  • Enrichment of experience through visiting professors form USA, CANADA, UK etc.
  • Participation of students in seminars/symposia/project work etc. In other European cities
  • Bilateral Students exchange program with Universities in Germany, Sweden, Finland, check republic etc.
  • Three Month’s summer jobs during vacation in countries i.e. UK, SWEDEN, and other EU Countries.
  • Chances of permanent residence & settlement in Europe after completion of study program
  • 100% Visa assured to deserving candidates.

Study in Sweden

It is a big step to study abroad, and the options are almost limitless. So what makes Sweden stand out as a study destination?

Studying in Sweden is different. Swedish Universities have an open climate, with a strong focus on group work. This will give you valuable skills for the future. The global job market values ambitious, innovative and perceptive team players, Swedish Universities foster these qualities through a forward-thinking culture where you’re close to the latest ideas and trends.

Swedish Master’s degree programs offer unusual opportunities to turn theory into practice. Many programs also cooperate closely with the industry, offering students the possibility to mix study and practical work. This gives you distinct advantages over your peers when entering job market.

Sweden has three Universities in top 100 and eleven in the top 500 of the 2010 edition of the academic Ranking or World Universities compiled by shanghai Jiao Tong University.


Sweden is an open, multicultural society with a long tradition of welcoming international students.

Currently, some 30,000 foreign students are studying in Sweden, making for a vibrant, international study environment. Sweden has some peculiar cultural traits, but they are deeply proud of having built a society that promotes equality between the sexes, tolerance and inclusiveness.

As a student is Sweden, you will have ample opportunity to make new friends. A good part of your social life will revolve around your student union. The union can often help you with finding accommodation and other practical matters. Do make sure you are covered by adequate health insurance while in Sweden.

You will probably need to get a residence permit or visa, maybe even before you arrive in Sweden. To get a residence permit, you need to show you have sufficient funds to pay for living expenses in Sweden. But there are ways in which you can mitigate the financial strain: Sweden allows students to work for the duration of their studies.


Scholarships are available from the majority of Sweden’s Universities. If you wish to apply for funding, you must apply directly to the Individual University in which you are interested.


The UK is the World’s most incorporated globalized and business friendly economy, an extraordinary place to be on the off chance that you are a universal organization, speculator or agent. The UK has turned into the primary decision for worldwide organizations searching for new markets, business dependability and every one of the focal points that make up a world-class production network. Presently the biggest commonwealth economy with record low assessment and a flourishing, gifted populace, London and the UK appreciate excellent money related solidness and are for all time open for business.

A UK Sole Representative visa is the migration system utilized by worldwide organizations to set up a commercial presence in London or somewhere else in the UK. A senior individual from your organization can work in the UK to start your business activities, manufacture your image and build up a state network. When you have set up an operational branch or backup, it is likely that you will need to exploit a Tier 2 Employer sponsor License and Intra Company transfer that stipends you the capacity to exchange existing key staff to the UK.

UK Sole Representative visa Application:

UK Sole Representative Visa applicants must have extensive and relevant experience in your respective industry and must already is employed outside the UK by a business whose headquarters and principle place of business are also outside the UK. This visa is not designed for business owners. For this visa it is particularly important to have good immigration representation that can facilitate your business needs without your commercial operations.


United Kingdom is the World’s sixth largest economy with strong economic, cultural, technological and political influence around the globe. UK leads the industrial revolution in the past centuries is now also playing a prominent role in the global economy. London is the heart for international finance and commerce is the 5th largest city economy of the World.

UK is really a place for learning and also to work that helps you building a sound professional career. This is a vibrant country with high workforce diversity. UK is a multicultural society with a great mix of people from different countries who speak different languages.

It’s a heaven for anyone who wants to study, work or reside here, as UK gives a complete package with brilliant education institutes and multiple employment opportunities.


UK is the best place to invest for Business persons. Those having minimum net worth of £200,000 GBP or have access to £200,000 GBP from third party investment will fall under TIER1 ENTREPRENEUR visa category. It is the fastest and easiest way to get visa in one month. TIER 1 ENTREPRENEUR is an immigrant visa for 40 months from outside UK and can be extended for further two years. It is by law that after spending 5 years in United Kingdom on TIER 1 ENTREPRENEUR visa you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain (Permanent Residency). After one year of ILR, British Nationality and British passport can be applied accordingly.

Under TIER 1 ENTREPRNEUR category entrepreneurial teams with no more than 2 business partners with access to minimum £200,000 GBP available to invest in UK, families of both business partners can also go along with under TIER 1 ENTREPRENEUR dependent visa.


You must get minimum 95 points to qualify for TIER 1 ENTREPRENEUR visa.

Maintenance of Funds

Applicant must have maintenance funds in their Bank Account from last 90 days consecutive days.

ENTREPRNEUR visa and investor visa for UK

This is the easiest option for Immigration pursuit being based on points system and having least refusal rate. It stands as an opportunity to move abroad with family and take all the benefits of a legal citizenship with an easy route and with no long waiting for response on the application. Entrepreneur visa secures client’s business and helps making it internationally on easy and swift terms.

Consultancy provided by Lasani Immigration. We build on a strong yet simple philosophy, “Pay Quality the Top Priority” which is demonstrated in our setup as well as our services. Ever since our start this statement has become the key foundation on which we stand and excel by following British Standards.

Lasani Immigration was established under the visionary leadership of inventive, dynamic and initiative CEO. He is determined to provide the best Quality services, while strictly following ethical business values. From the beginning till end, therefore the company has been pioneering new concepts to stand above its competitors by bridging the gap between people and their bright future.

Our staff members are honest, friendly and sociable and always treat the clients with courtesy and great smile, leading to a comfortable visa process for you.

Muscat Visit Visa

Welcome to Muscat

Muscat has a character quite different from neighboring capitals. There are few high-rise blocks and even functional buildings are required to reflect tradition with a dome or an arabesque window. The result is an attractive and whimsically uniform city not much different in essence from the very elegant town with very fine houses that the Portuguese admiral afonso de Albuquerque observed as he sailed towards Muscat in the 16th Century.

Muscat means safe anchorage and the sea continues to play a role in city life, sustaining the fishing industry and providing opportunities for visitors to swim along sandy beaches or dive with turtles in nearby lagoons. The opening of the Royal Opera House in 2011 and a fine new national museum in 2017 is other attractions that ensure Muscat acts as a beacon for those who live in Oman’s interior and as a model of calm in a region of conflict.

Grand Mosque

Quietly imposing from the outside, this glorious piece of modem Islamic architecture was a gift to the nation from Sultan Qaboos to mark his 30th year of reign. The main prayer hall is breathtakingly rich. The Persian carpet alone measures 70m by 60m wide, making it the second-largest hand loomed Iranian carpet in the world; it look 600 women four years to weave. The mosque, which can accommodate 20,000 worshipers, including 750 women in a private musalla (prayer hall), is an active place of worship, particularly for Friday prayers visitors are required to dress modestly, covering arms and legs and avoiding tight clothing.

Women and girls (aged seven and above) must cover their hair. Abayas (full length dresses) and scarves can be hired from the mosque cafe and gift shop for OR 2.5; some form of ID is required as a despite.

Sultan Palace          

If you stand by the harbor wall on Mirant St, the building to the right with the delightful mushroom pillars in blue and gold is the Sultan’s Palace. On the inland side an avenue of palm trees leads to a roundabout surrounded by grand royal court buildings and the new national museum. Although the palace is closed to the public you can pause in front of the gates, at the end of the colonnaded approach for a quintessential photograph. The palace was built over the site of the former British Embassy where there used to be the stump of a flagpole in the grounds: the story goes that any slave (Oman was infamous for its slave trade from East Africa) who touched the flagpole was granted freedom. The palace today is largely used for ceremonial purposes as Sultan Qaboos favors a quieter, seaside residence near Seeb.

National Museum   

Housed in an imposing new building in the heart of Old Muscat, the national museum makes a fitting consort for the Sultan’s Palace opposite. The emphasis of this contemporary museum is on quality rather than quantity, with space, light and height used to enhance the selective displays showcasing the heritage of Oman. Giant screens and high-tech devices bring the artifacts alive.

Best Places to stay in Muscat

  • The Chedi
  • Al Bustan Palace
  • Beach Hotel            
  • Majan Continental Hotel
For Sea Views
  • Al Bustan Palace
  • The Chedi
  • Grand Hyatt Muscat
  • Hotel InterContinental Muscat
  • Marina Hotel
  • Naseem Hotel

Hong Kong Immigration

Hong Kong Immigration  

Hong Kong is often described as a City of Immigrants and is home to Chinese, British, and other European and South Asian communities.

Hong Kong’s Immigration policy plays a vital role in enhancing its attractiveness to foreign professional and investors.

The first wave of Immigration from mainland China to Hong Kong began in the 1840s when the British established Hong Kong as a free port. This result in the significant growth of Hong Kong’s population during the 1840s through the 1860s

The Chinese brought with them machinery and know-how and formed a local entrepreneurial class in Hong Kong. Other Chinese immigrants served as low-cost laborers.  The second mass exodus of Chinese immigrants from mainland China to Hong Kong occurred at the end of World War II. As a result Hong Kong’s ethnic composition primarily comprises the Chinese community.

Until the 1960s all immigration matters were controlled by the Hong Kong Police Force. Subsequently the immigration department was set up in 1961 as an independent body responsible for Immigration control in Hong Kong. Hong Kong follows a liberal immigration policy. Nationals of about 170 countries and territories are allowed visa free visit to Hong Kong for periods ranging from 7 to 180 days. Short term visitors are allowed to enter Hong Kong on a visitor visa to conduct business negotiations and sign contracts. The government has introduced appropriate work visa provisions, anticipating the needs of business entrepreneurs who may wish to relocate to Hong Kong to run their business or who may want to hire foreign professionals to work in their company.

Hong Kong ranks as one of the most business friendly jurisdictions facilitating foreign investment. One of the key contributing factors is its immigration policy, designed to accommodate investors, business entrepreneurs and working professionals alike.

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme:

The QMAS is an entrant scheme meant for foreigners who wish to come Hong Kong to explore employment or business opportunities. The scheme is quota based and operates on a points based system. Successful entrants must take steps to settle in Hong Kong by securing gainful employment or establishing a business during the visa validity period. In order to secure entry into Hong Kong under QMAS scheme, you must satisfy the basic pre-requisites pass a point based test and compete for quota allocation with other applicants. Under the scheme a maximum of 1000 applicants per year may be admitted into Hong Kong. You are allowed to bring your spouse and unmarried dependent children under the age of 18 to Hong Kong under the dependant visa scheme.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility: Foreign nationals except nationals of Afghanistan, Albania, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, Korea, Nepal and Vietnam are eligible to apply for the Scheme and those who satisfy certain conditions such as a sound financial standing capable of supporting themselves and their dependants, proficiency in Chinese or English absence of criminal or adverse immigration record, good educational background, falling within the age group of 18-51 years and who also pass a point base test.

Good Character: You must not have any criminal record or other records that are detrimental to you either in Hong Kong or elsewhere.

Language Proficiency: You must be proficient (i.e. both written and spoken) either in Chinese or English.

Basic Educational Qualification: You must possess a good educational background. Normally it is preferable to possess an undergraduate degree from a recognized University or a tertiary Educational Institute. However, under special circumstances in the absence of such a degree, documentary evidence of good technical qualifications, relevant professional abilities, achievements and experience will be considered.

Validity: Visas issued under the QMAS are usually valid for a one year period (at the discretion of authorities) and is renewable for one more year.

Quota System: Yes, Currently an annual quota of 1,000 entrants has been set.

Permanent Residence Eligibility: Entrants who have been granted admission under the QMAS are eligible to apply for permanent residence status after having resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of at least seven years.

Under the General Points Test there are five point-scoring factors relating to Age, Academic/professional qualifications, work experience, language proficiency and Family background. The minimum passing marks is 80 out of a maximum of 165 points.

Documents Required:
  • Completed Application Form (English or Chinese Version).
  • A copy of the personal particulars page of your Passport. If you are currently staying in Hong Kong, a copy of your passport page containing the latest arrival stamp/extension of stay label in Hong Kong.
  • A copy of your People’s Republic of China identity card (if any).
  • A completed dependant’s visa application form along with supporting documents for each of the accompanying dependant family members.
  • A copy of proof of personal net worth like bank statements, bank certificates, statement showing the current market value of investments, valuation report showing the current market value of real estate, latest audited financial statements of a business, your percentage of shareholding in a business, creditor’s statements showing the amount of outstanding personal debt etc.
  • A copy of proof of language proficiency in Chinese or English like the result of a recognized language test (IELTS or TOEFL for English, PSC or HSK for Chinese).
  • A copy of proof of academic qualifications like graduation certificates, transcripts of academic records etc.
  •  A copy of professional qualifications, training, membership certificates.
  • A copy of proof of relevant work experience like employment reference letter, employment contract etc. (If you are employed with a company), official company registration documents showing your position in the business (if you own a business), client reference letter (if you are self-employed) etc.
  • A copy of evidence of key career accomplishments and future plan in Hong Kong.
  • All documents submitted must be in English or Chinese or translated into English or Chinese by a certified translation body. The Immigration authorities reserve the right to demand further documents as and when necessary.

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